
Inspect Your Tank!

- 10:20 am - September 17th, 2018

As a Parker Oil & Propane customer using heating oil for your home, having your fuel supply stored safely on your property is one of the many benefits! However, whether your tank is sitting quietly in your basement or is buried underground, they aren’t immune to normal wear and tear. While storage tanks are built to last for years, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for any indications that your storage tank is experiencing a fuel release. Here are some things to take note of – especially now before the heating season rolls back around:

  • Dieback (or discoloration) of any vegetation around your tank indicates contamination
  • Cracking or sinking of the tank base and supports
  • Broken, cracked or missing gauges
  • Dampness or staining around joints of all visible pipework, valves and filters
  • Cracking, splitting, bulging of paint, and oil around seams and weld locations for metal tanks

Another crucial thing to keep in mind is to make sure your tank is always full. Even during the summer! This will help prevent sediment buildup that can occur when the space inside your tank allows water to accumulate and mix in with the remaining oil. These sediments can make their way into your heating system and cause problems next winter, and affect the health of your storage tank.

A surefire way to keep your tank full is with Parker Oil & Propane’s automatic delivery service! We’ll track your fuel usage and make deliveries when you need them so you can focus on the more important things. Contact us today to enroll in automatic delivery, or to schedule a heating oil delivery.

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NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!