Consider Budgeting Your Fuel Costs Next Heating Season
There’s no telling what next winter will bring! Will we see another relatively mild heating season, or are we in for chilly weather? Either way, you can keep your home heating costs easily manageable with a heating oil or propane budget plan. If you use both fuels, you can bundle them into one budget plan as well!
How does a budget plan help make fuel costs manageable?
There are a few months out of the year (the heating season) when you spend approximately 80% of your fuel costs. That means the bills you receive during this period of time are typically higher than they are for the other months out of the year. Talk about a budget squeeze!
With a budget plan, however, we take your estimated annual fuel costs and divide them evenly over the course of 10 months. This way, instead of having higher bills during the heating season, they remain the same as they were during each other season. You’ll know what you’re paying each month, making it easier to budget for other expenses!
Whether you use heating oil, propane or both - Parker Oil Company can help you keep fuel costs from resulting in a tight budget. Contact us online today to learn more about our budget plans!